The Pendulum

Growing up, I saw society as two-sided. On one side you had the straight-laced, traditional-minded people who believed in restrictions, rules, and ‘moral decency.’ On the other, you had the happy, freedom-minded people who threw off their chains of oppression […]

What’s the Point?

Over 80 days of riots…30 people dead…cities ruined…underfunded or abolished police departments realizing they can’t stop what’s happening… A nation divided… Fingers pointing everywhere except where they should… What’s the point of fighting anymore? There is nothing to these riots […]

The Woke ISIS

Rome is ablaze. For nearly a month now, cities in the US have been terrorized by activists who fly a flag of legitimate protest, but only bring violence and destruction in their wake. George Floyd was murdered by a police […]


What do you do when people you know become people you knew? Since my last entry the vitriol and utter hatred from my ‘friends’ has reach a pitch I can only describe as heart-sickening. The ideological left has infiltrated many […]


Sometimes, the silence that comes with a lack of popularity can be a blessing, especially when people you’ve known or followed on social media for years show their true colors and turn out to be people with whom you disagree. […]

Pros and Cons

Thanks to the pandemic going on right now, a lot of events and functions planned this year are being cancelled. In my neck of the woods, furry conventions – gatherings I once looked forward to – will not be happening […]

Destination: Conflation

Tonight, I saw something that basically explained why I can’t be a part of the atheist ‘community’ anymore. Recently Seth Andrews of ‘The Thinking Atheist’ posted a video response to Pastor Greg Locke, who showed up at an ‘Open the […]

What Is Furry?

I like anthro art. I like reading anthro stories. Many people I know are in the furry fandom, and many of those many are good people. A lot of them are assholes too, but just because we all share this […]

Fractured Facets

I joined the atheist ‘movement’ right around the time of the schism between what an atheist is and what some people though an atheist should be. A group of folks – some of them intellectuals – proposed the concept of […]