After my last entry on calling out folks on hypocrisy, I thought I’d take a dive into another one of my pet peeves. Again, this one’s not going to be political, since we all know my stance on that.

No…today I’m going after the furry fandom. Specifically, some of the artists.

Now I’m not going to name any names here; I’m not petty, nor am I targeting anyone specifically. But, that being said, I’m seeing a kind of behavior on a particular art site that shall remain FurAffinity that is really starting to grind my gears.

Now, again, I’m not going to harsh anyone’s hustle. Art is a wonderful thing if you have the talent, and creating visual masterpieces is a rare gift. Anyone can draw, sure, but to make real, striking art? That’s a talent that takes time, patience, and a lot of refinement/evolution. If you followed some artists over the years, you can see just how much they’ve improved/evolved over time. Along the way, some folks may have dropped them since they ‘liked the old way better’ or something. Eh, haters gonna hate.

But that’s not my gripe. My gripes are the artists who turn into American Idol rejects when they post an overpriced ‘auction’ or ‘YCH,’ and then scream when they get no bids. Ok, so maybe I’m a bit of a miser when it comes to money. Personally I think we all should be. Take care of your obligations, and the rest you can spend however you want. Thing is, a lot of us are still reeling from the fiasco that was COVID, and the repercussions that have followed. Inflation is out of control, the US government has no fucking clue how to fix it without yanking on the spending reins, and a lot of us are spending more on the essentials than ever before. Purchasing art just isn’t a priority for some folks.

That’s not to say that I’d love to throw a few hundred bucks at some of these artists. I mean they do some incredible work and no mistake. But knowing the furs I do, they’re just trying to get by. It’s rare to meet a member of this fandom who’s financially well-off, or able to drop 1-200 dollars at the drop of a hat for a picture. Then again, this has been going on for years. Artists are often undercharging for their work in exchange for exposure/increased popularity. But, when they jack up their prices once they’re established, people lose their minds. It’s a delicate edge to walk, and if you ask me, posting a journal about how everyone sucks because they didn’t buy/bid on your project is not the way to retain your customer base.

it’s even worse when you see that one journal post of ‘why do you even follow me if you’re not buying/commenting on everything I post?’ Well, to be fair, if all you’re posting are your ads for your latest auction, chances are folks aren’t going to comment, since it’s an ad. Even if you complete one and post it, folks might not have much to say about it, since it’s really just another ad. Don’t guilt your followers folks…you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Now look, I get it. You put a crap-ton of effort into your work…as much if not more than some of us put into our jobs. You may even have jobs on top of your art, so your days are long, nights short, and spare time a pipe dream. The meme of the starving artist is real, but you also can’t draw blood from a stone. If folks can’t afford you, then they can’t afford you. I’m not saying lower your prices or anything like that…just understand that your prices just might be at a level that a lot of potential commissioners just can’t afford.

I’ve un-followed a few artists whose work I really like, just because their attitudes have soured their overall image. I hated doing it, but is watching you worth seeing your constant bitching about no one buying your high-priced art?

I’m afraid not.