Here We Go…

So, 2024 is upon us. Leap Year, Olympics (I think), and America once again readies itself to plunge into that wonderful ritual known as the Presidential Election. That cluster-fuck of speeches, tours, and pundits all spewing their own special blends of vitriol, half-truths and empty promises designed to persuade you to risk your job to go to a polling station and cast your ballot, which the Electoral College can either accept or reject depending on how they feel that day.

Honestly guys…how the hell did you last this long? Then again, how did we?

I have friends on either side of the political fence, each of them basically regurgitating whatever talking points their media managers tell them to. But let’s face it, it doesn’t matter who wins. Trump? Biden? Republican? Democrat? It doesn’t matter, because they’ll do whatever the lobbyists tell them. Whatever chance they have to line their pockets by doing favors, you know they’ll do.

There’s no integrity in government, and they know it. All they care about is getting out with as much cash as they can, and then laugh while we all suffer.

Even thought I’m outside of it, I do say ‘we’ because it’s the same up here. The leader of our Conservative party comes across as a straight-shooting warrior for the people, demanding ol’ JT give straight answers in Parliament. He’s probably going to win by a massive landslide in the next election, but if/when he does, will he afford us the courtesy of straight answers, or will he also deflect and ramble when asked a direct question that would make his party look bad?

See, this is the level of trust I have in any politician: zero. You all talk a big game, you have the ability to stir up the masses into a frenzy that the media would love to be able to, but that’s it. All talk no shock. All bread but not meat. All foam and no beer.

I do fear what’s coming. The growing dissatisfaction with government in general is going to lead to something tragic. People are sick of being lied to…of being exploited while government officials basically rape the system for their own gains. I highly doubt there’s a conspiracy or some shadow government…it’s just a bunch of greedy fucks who have the power to shift everything in their favor. They don’t have to game the system because they are the system.

Trump’s response to Hillary about his taxes said it all: he just used the same rules all the elites did. He played exactly by their rules, and it worked for him. But did it change anything? No, it didn’t. It never will because no one destroys a system that makes them wealthy or powerful. Drain the swamp? Why? If the swamp pays you more money than God, then why drain it? For the people? You don’t care about the people. You only care about yourself.

If Trump wins, nothing will change. All his pixie-dusters out there will have to scramble for the spin when they see he’s just like all the others…just louder. If the Dems win, well, it’ll be more of the same shit we’ve all seen for the past 4 years. More of the wokie-doke policies aimed at destroying what America was, and turning into something far diminished.

Thing is, I have a hard time believing that Americans are that stupid. Ok, sure, the idiots you see on social media exist, but that can’t be the norm. A society full of that idiocy couldn’t survive. It was like the immigrant debate, where people claimed they needed illegal immigration because who would pick their food or clean their homes? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Is America truly that entitled that they believe things like that are beneath them? Is this the majority talking? My Mom would have whupped my ass if I’d said something like that.

To be honest, if that is the normal level of entitlement, then something needs to change. Maybe they should slam the door on the border…deport all the illegals and make Americans work for themselves. Pick your own damned avocados for your toast. Take a lesson from Jordan Peterson and clean your own damned room. Who knows? Maybe you’ll actually feel you actually did something, rather than feel some smug sense of accomplishment by screaming on social media all day and night.

Fucking debutantes, all of them.

Eh, fuck it all. Let it all burn. Rome fell, and maybe it’s time for Nero to play the lyre while the US burns. If anything, it’ll make for good TV until the stations burn.