The Redux

So maybe it was karma that caused this. That of course assumes that I believe in such a thing.

I was trying to organize a few things on this blog late last night when POOF! The whole site corrupted itself. Granted, the nuggets and thoughts I’d scratched down here weren’t that heavy in terms of content or merit, but they were still mine…now lost to the four digital winds.

Now that I think about it though, maybe it was for the best. In truth, a lot of what I was talking about there wasn’t really subject matter I wanted to dive into. The main reason for that is sometimes you can go too far down a rabbit hole, and emerge not recognizing yourself afterward. It can be a frightening thing, especially if you’re not too crazy about the person you’ve become.

As a result, I think a fresh start to this blog is the best move. I mean I still have my opinions and stances on certain subjects, but no longer will I stoop to some crass blend of insults and degradation to put down those who oppose it. If I have a thought on something, I’ll do my best to present evidence that supports my claim. If I go after debunking a claim, I’ll be sure to back it up, and do so in a calm, professional manner.

Just because I may disagree with you doesn’t mean I have to be an asshole about it. I’ll grant you, this kind of attitude would never get me all dem clicks on YouTube if I was on there, but I’m more interested in still being me at the end of the day, not some caricature of myself.

I was driving to the hospital today for an appointment and I was thinking about this blog and what it used to contain. In truth I said a lot of things about folks that, while I’m not sure if I want to take it all back, I could have approached it differently. I don’t think there’s anything to be gained through shouting, ad hominem attacks, and other such verbal garbage…unless you’re talking solely about entertainment value. If you’re looking for a discussion though, it’s best if you check your shit at the door.

I do wonder, though, how serious the desire is for some kind of dialog or exchange of information. Kristi Winters once asked of the anti-SJW crowd to take on a strong feminist argument. Yet, I’ve not seen one put forward, that hasn’t been de-bunked or destroyed in record time. It also seems that the moment someone tries to get some kind of dialog going, the pro-feminist/SJW camp circles their collective wagons and launch an all-out cyber attack on that person.

Thunderf00t, Bearing, Kraut & Tea, and even more recently Laci Green have all been subjected to having personal information leaked to the public at large at the hands of these people. I’m not even sure if I can call them hypocrites at this point anymore because they don’t really claim to be advocates for free speech anymore, do they? Instead they’re all about stamping out ‘hate speech,’ and advocating the silencing of people they consider every ‘ist’ in the book. What makes them the arbiters of what can and cannot be said? Who truly has that power, especially when it’s written in the Constitution that free speech is a right?

Ok, I guess they can be considered hypocrites, especially when they call everyone not in their camp Nazis, yet their attacks on free speech and differing opinions from their own is more akin to the fascist philosophy than anything else. I’ve also yet to hear a good argument from that camp for said censorship, though they don’t consider it that.  It’s removing hate speech, after which they refuse to listen to any other view on the matter.

Unless something in that whole drama-fest grinds my gears to the point of saying something, I’m going to be a little more low-key this time around on this blog. Just random thoughts as they flit through my mind. Maybe some of it will be relevant, maybe it won’t. We’ll just have to see.



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