On Red Pills and Hypocrites

I’ve been silent for a while…a long while. It’s not because everything is all nice and wonderful with the world and therefore I have little to bitch about. Quite the opposite, in fact. As the US screams towards 2024 and that gong show that is their next presidential election, it seems that all the major cities are set to implode regardless of who wins. If Trump comes out on top despite all that’s happening to him, the left is going to lose their minds. If whoever the Democrats throw into the ring wins, the left will continue to bully the right, and all those 2nd amendment fans are going to finally show what happens when you fuck around.

But that’s not really what I’m here today to talk about. I’ve got something else on my mind. The red pill.

Remember that? That wonderful analogy from The Matrix? How if you took the blue pill, you could just keep living your life without a care in the world and nothing would seem out of place. But if you took the red pill, oh, then shit got real. Suddenly the thin veil of the deception is ripped from your eyes and you can finally see the machine for what it is. It used to be that being ‘red-pilled’ meant you saw the government for the corrupt institution it was, and you could join the resistance…by sitting at your keyboard and screaming at social media like those crazy idiots who stand on their soapboxes by the train station. You know, the village idiots.

Well, there’s another facet of the red pill out there, one aimed at relationships. That’s right folks, now, being ‘red-pilled’ means you see women for who they truly are, and now you’ve joined the resistance that is MGTOW…Men Going Their Own Way. These pillars of male manliness, these pontificators of pure, unadulterated masculinity, these…OK OK, I can’t type anymore without laughing my ass off at the moment.

Now, I’m not going to harsh anyone’s mellow on this. Some guys are built to be on their own. Maybe their hobbies aren’t really conducive to a relationship model. Or, maybe they just don’t have the time or the patience to deal with other people. Or, maybe they’ve been burned once or twice in the love game and just decided ‘fuck it’ and walked. I understand that. I divorced after 10 years of marriage, and I’ve had a couple of relationships since. There’s an appeal to being your own person, and I can certainly relate to it.

But man, some of these ass-clowns out there these days are just this side of delusional.

Channels like Fresh & Fit, Sneako, Man Guide, SSM, etc. all talk a big game about how you need to focus on yourself, and if you want to find a woman, they should be pure, inexperienced, and willing to supplicate themselves fully to the man. Barefoot, pregnant, a dynamite cook, and spread them legs on command so the man can just get up in there, do his thing, and go to bed. Oh boy, what woman could resist that kind of life eh? Yeah, if you’re wired like that, go to a Muslim country…they’ll treat you exactly how you want to be treated.

What I find even more hilarious is this whole concept of ‘body count,’ that is, the number of sexual partners someone’s had. These ‘men’ often preach about how women should have a low to 0 body count in order to be high quality. OK, first of all, are you talking about humans or livestock? High-quality…give me a break. I don’t mind a woman with a high body count, because I wouldn’t mind her showing me the knowledge she’s gained from all that. I’m all for sex involving a bruised pelvis and a severe case of dehydration afterwards because she’s done things to me that would make the Kama Sutra blush.

Now to be fair, there are a lot of gold-diggers out there. Dating is a minefield these days, and a lot of guys, I think, believe the sluttier the woman is, the more she’s trying to trap you so she can get an easy payout later. Yeah, skanks like that exist, but they’ve always existed. Hell, growing up I knew a few girls like that, who were just interested in the bulge in the back pocket, and were willing to deal with the front bulge to get at it. So long as men are blinded by lust, women will know how to manipulate them.

So, what do you do? The answer is simple. If you like someone, or are attracted to them, TALK TO THEM! Fucking communicate. I’m not talking 20 questions, or stick your phone in their face and put them to some Cosmopolitan-esque survey. Strike up a conversation. Chances are you’ll be meeting at venue where that kind of shit happens. So let it happen. Now sure, you can watch for certain signs/tells from them, which could determine what their true motives are, and it’s OK to be on your guard. But for fuck’s sake, stop listening to a bunch of hypocrites on YouTube who spout all this virtuous expectation about women, when they themselves probably have more notches on their bedposts than most male prostitutes.

But again, these guys are nothing new. Secrets to dating beautiful women has been a topic of hucksters for decades, just marketed under different names. Get game…be a player…all that shit. The art of the pick-up artist pre-dates the Internet…now it’s just more prevalent and more and more suckers are drawn in every day to these snake oil salesmen.

Like I said though, I get where they’re coming from. A broken heart is a devastating thing. Betrayal hurts, and it leaves you feeling as though you maybe messed up. Maybe you did, so learn from it. But don’t be scared to get back out there. Ignore social media, screw the dating apps. Find some friends and hit the bar, or hit the club, whatever venue is better for you. Hell, if you do use social media and end up striking up a conversation, good on you.

Look, there’s nothing wrong with being guarded, especially where the finances are concerned. If the woman starts treating you like and ATM, then yeah, red flag her and GTFO. This is where small towns have it over the cities. You know a girl’s rep from everyone else in the community…they’ll definitely tell you if there’s anything shady going on with them. Cities, however, don’t have that ‘whisper net,’ or if they do, it’s limited to their neighborhood.

I’m not saying follow my advice; far from it. But don’t follow the advice of some MGTOW or Manosphere guy either. Social interactions are not something you can quantify or apply to a checklist and still have a hope in hell of finding love. It takes time, commitment, and a fair number of false starts before you’ll find someone you click with. And stop chasing these ‘high quality’ women. In fact, delete TikTok off your phone, or skew your algorithm to show you cat videos. Those kinds of women aren’t worth any man’s time.

I learned something a long time ago: Don’t yell at brick walls. A lot of these girls who think they’re hot shit? They’re never going to think otherwise, so don’t bother. Disengage regardless of how badly you want to smash that. It’s not worth it. Hell, chances are you’ll find them on OnlyFans anyway, so why pay for an expensive dinner when, for $25, you can see what they’re willing to do.

Then again, if that’s your thing, then go for it.

What I’m getting at is there is no right answer. There is no guru out there who will guarantee that you’ll find love, despite what they all might say. And if you’re not in the market, that’s fine too. Do your own thing, but do it because it’s right for you…not because some jackass with a YouTube channel is telling you how to live. Save YouTube for cat videos and music. Fuck the rest of it.