Here We Go…

So, 2024 is upon us. Leap Year, Olympics (I think), and America once again readies itself to plunge into that wonderful ritual known as the Presidential Election. That cluster-fuck of speeches, tours, and pundits all spewing their own special blends […]


After my last entry on calling out folks on hypocrisy, I thought I’d take a dive into another one of my pet peeves. Again, this one’s not going to be political, since we all know my stance on that. No…today […]

Saying Good-Bye

So it was a long time coming, but I’ve finally stepped away from HCTV for the time being. To be honest, it’s been a chore for the past little while to slog through each episode, listening as those I knew […]

Mending Bridges

Donald Trump is putting in motion what needs to be done for a clean transition of power right now in the event that Joe Biden does indeed win the presidency and become the Commander in Chief. Given that many of […]

Pulling Back…

Again, in another gesture that means nothing to anyone except me, I’ve scoured my social media profiles, effectively scrubbing them of any and all ‘toxic’ content. Sure, I know there are ways to temporarily block certain posts based on keywords, […]

Not Human Enough

What a week. So this week started with Donald Trump debating Joe Biden in the first of what is supposed to be 3 rounds of debates. I’m pretty sure that what I saw wasn’t a debate per se, but more […]

What’s the Point?

Over 80 days of riots…30 people dead…cities ruined…underfunded or abolished police departments realizing they can’t stop what’s happening… A nation divided… Fingers pointing everywhere except where they should… What’s the point of fighting anymore? There is nothing to these riots […]