Saying Good-Bye

So it was a long time coming, but I’ve finally stepped away from HCTV for the time being. To be honest, it’s been a chore for the past little while to slog through each episode, listening as those I knew as friends slide further and further down the leftist rabbit hole, using their platform solely as a way to speak out against Trump because Orange Man bad.

Tonight’s show centered a lot around work, the job scene, and employer/employee politics. In short, it’s kinda like what we used to do before Trump took office, and it was said that this was a ‘derivation’ from what we ‘normally’ do. Soooo, a show where we try to talk about something in general is now a derivation, even though that was how we started…


I said it was because I needed to sort my head out, which is true, but also because it’s now a one-sided political bitch-fest with only lip service offered to the idea of critical thought and skepticism. They rail against tribalism, yet they’re a tribe unto themselves. The lack of self-awareness is staggering with these people, and I’d rather see them as friends and leave it at that. I fear that at the rate they’re going, I’m gonna end up saying something that will permanently damage any friendships there, so it’s best I just step away, let them have their Trump Tantrum Show, and not be involved.

Is it a cowardly thing to do? Maybe, but I’m out of fucks to give right now. Sure, some right-wing edgy boy might think I’m a pussy for quitting since I’m no longer fighting for a cause. Fuck them; they’re not me, and if they want to fight, they can go on the show in my place. Always wonderful hearing people telling me how to live and what to sacrifice when they’re not willing to do the same. This is why actors, musicians, and artists can just sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up and do their jobs. Why should anyone take their political cues from Mark Fucking Ruffalo? He’s got more money than God and he wants to tell me how to live? His portrayal of Hulk in Endgame wasn’t much of a stretch; it was just him all CGI’ed up. Fucking cuck.

I’m glad I got it out in the open that I’m leaving the show. For how long, I don’t know. It’ll probably be until after the deadline for the inauguration at least. Since Biden’s pretty much going to win from the looks of it, maybe then they’ll calm down and we can get back to discussing less orange-tinted issues.

Heh…fat chance. Everyone and their dog plush is milking the Trump train for all its worth. Like I said last time, ‘Because Trump’ is going to become the new 9/11 for America. It’ll be their wound that they use to try and garner global sympathy and to justify how they’re going to fuck the people over.

Skeptics, atheists, so-called ‘critical thinkers’ are now mere shades of what they used to be. Most of them are just political mouthpieces now, and have spit so much vitriol at people that there will be no path of redemption for them…at least not in my eyes. Any respect I had for these people is pretty much gone now. When things calm down and they try to change topics, they’ll find all their clout and good will to be gone, and they’ll be left with nothing but past glories to keep them warm at night.

Without HCTV, I’ll be able to focus more on my writing and my podcasting without having to agonize over anticipating another political whine-fest or another episode of Orange Man Bad. I just hope it helps calm my soul and better my attitude in the coming weeks. I’d really like to smile again.