Mending Bridges

Donald Trump is putting in motion what needs to be done for a clean transition of power right now in the event that Joe Biden does indeed win the presidency and become the Commander in Chief. Given that many of the lawsuits and demands for recounts have been failing on the part of the Republicans, it looks more and more like this is going to be the case. Come December 15, we could very well be seeing the white house turn blue once more.

To be honest, I wouldn’t want to be either person right now, Trump or Biden.

For the past 4 years, I’ve watched as lines were drawn, families destroyed, friendships ruined, and loving couples split apart over which side of the political fence you stood on. If you stood in the middle, you were no better, hated by both sides for not committing. You see it plastered over social media all the time. ‘If you like Trump, defriend me,’ ‘I can’t invite my uncle over anymore because he supports Trump.’ it happens all the time, and it just kills me. I mean, barring a family member from social gatherings just because he or she supports a different politician? I mean, COVID aside, that’s pretty fucking cold.

Now to be fair, doing the same thing because someone in your family is/isn’t religious, is LGBT, or anything else is pretty fucking shallow too. Personally, if you can’t look past things like that for the sake of your family, then I have to wonder if you truly deserve to be in one. Conversely, if you revel in being that shit-disturber who likes to pick fights with family members to assert some kind of dominance, then yeah…you don’t deserve a family either.

But what now? I see all these tweets and posts calling for peace and reconciliation. The left is extending an olive branch now…with the same hand that once held the gun at the right. So what; you screamed and whined for 4 years, verbally eviscerating friend and loved one alike, and now you think you can just bury the hatchet and carry on now that you got your way?

Talk about entitled…and devastatingly naive.

I feel bad for all the people who’ve alienated and been alienated by all this. Throw COVID into this mix and I’m surprised more suicides haven’t happened. I feel worse that many of those who spat such vitriol at people now think we can all just kiss and make up now. It’s OK, right? I mean the ‘proper’ people are back in power, so we can just go back to the way things were. You remember those times, right? When Obama the Benevolent was in charge and Prince Joseph of the House of Biden was there? Yeah, we can all breathe a sigh of relief and work to rebuild our land of friendship and magical rainbows.

This pretty much sums up what’s going to happen, and SHOULD happen. A lot of souls were laid bare in the past 4 years, and we’ve all witness the ugliness of people. The left have gone out of their way to attack, demean, deplatform, and in some cases de-person people for wrong-think. Cities have burned and still do because of this. Careers have ended because a group of keyboard ‘warriors’ demand it. Granted, other careers have been made as a result, but the fact that people like this exist makes me sick. What makes me sicker is the notion that these same people now want to reconcile and educate people to make them think correctly.

I’m tired of it all, so much so that I really just want to delete my entire social media presence and disappear. Let everyone drown in their seas of delusion, and let those of us who remember how do be and act decent remain. If ‘woke’ culture means becoming a raging cry-bully toward those who think differently than you, then I’m happy to remain asleep.

I wonder if this is how my parents felt when things changed from what they were used to. Am I the asshole for thinking this way? Am I the one being the stick in the mud because I’m not throwing mud at everyone else? Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, but I refuse to not be friends with someone just because it offends someone. To that end, someone has to royally screw up before I’ll dump them as a friend.

Don’t believe me? Then look at my friends and see just how much of their vitriolic bullshit I’ve put up with so far. That’s why I end up blogging here, but at some point this might not be enough. Maybe someday I will remove everyone and everything from my social media presence. Left…right…black…white…let them all just have it out and kill each other. Let them have their tantrum in one giant fiery bloodbath, then we can burn to ash what’s left and get back to being decent fucking human beings.

Ties have been severed and bridges burned. Let them stay that way.