Pulling Back…

Again, in another gesture that means nothing to anyone except me, I’ve scoured my social media profiles, effectively scrubbing them of any and all ‘toxic’ content. Sure, I know there are ways to temporarily block certain posts based on keywords, which will still allow you to keep your ‘friends’ while avoiding all that nasty stuff that makes them look as ugly as they truly are. Then, when all this madness passes, you can pick up and move on.

Sorry, but you’re not that important to me. Not anymore.

Authors, podcasters, advocates for rationality who’ve gone so far left they’re worshipping Lenin’s fucking ghost…I want nothing to do with them. I know I’ve ranted about this before and probably will again, but I’m fucking done with these people. My Facebook and Twitter sites now look more like ad apace than anything else because all I see are memes about different political figures, or screaming at the top of their lungs at people that either don’t exist, or don’t give a flying fuck about what they have to say. Oh, but it’s cathartic you say…just scream it out and you’ll feel better.

And fuck the collateral damage, eh?

I hate the furry fandom now. I still love the art, but beyond that they can all just shut their holes. Draw me yiff pics, bitch, and fuck off with your politics. I don’t care if you’re left or right…just be civil. If you can’t, then why should I bother with you? If I couldn’t stand to be around you as a person, then why would I waste my time with you online?

The damage has been done. Lines have been drawn so deeply in the sand that any chance of hands being reached across those lines is gone. Words have been said that no one can ever take back. Actions have been taken against former friends, lovers, and in some cases families. So much blood has been spilled, both figuratively and literally. There’s nothing left to rebuild.

Even if things calm down after this election bullshit is over with, I won’t be going back. This will be the last year I panel on HCTV; I can’t stand the vitriol anymore. Rationality is gone, our direction is gone, and the show has become another Orange Man Bad podcast.

‘I hate talking about my country.’ Do you know why we do? Because those of us not in the US are actually reasonably happy with our countries. Sure, we have a few bumps and bruises here, but fuck, you guys skin your knee and they can hear you scream on fucking Pluto. At the 2002 Winter Olympics, you rose the flag that was recovered from the World Trade Center attack a year before. Why? Because you, as a nation, get off on the pain. If America was a person, they’d be a cutter but they’d brag about every cut they made to the world, wanting sympathy. But God forbid you try to help them. Oh no…they don’t want the cure…they want to wallow in the disease because it makes them feel loved by the world.

In its past, the US has done many great things. There are monuments all over the nation that are living testaments to engineering, ingenuity, and determination. Hoover Dam, Moonshot, and many others out there that show when America really bears down, they can do great things. The trouble is, they’ve been on cruise control since 2001. Ever since the WTC attack, America has milked/bilked that event to try and stir the public sense of patriotism. And now, almost 20 years later, the country’s light has diminished and no one knows how to light it back up again.

Invention is dead because manufacturing doesn’t exist there anymore. Innovation is now on KickStarter, and debunked as impossible almost as fast as they can put it out there. Everything is pipe dreams and fantasy…the work needed to really make dreams into reality is not only not there, but I’d wager it’s impossible to do anymore. No one’s willing to put in the time anymore, and those who are, we never hear of because they’re too busy actually working instead of basking in their own perceived glory.

It feels like the end of an era, where the US is at the end of its line and desperately looking for a way forward. The establishment now sits on their throne, watching re-runs of ‘America the Great,’ and remembering what it used to be like back when America truly was great. But rather than actually doing something, they just pull out the remember card, and if you call them on it, 9/11.

I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of the hate, the insults, and the rampant toxicity that is the United States of America. If I have to go there for work in the future, then so be it. That being said, I’ll be damned if I ever visit there for conventions, recreation, or vacation ever again.

Oh, and in case you didn’t hear be before…FUCK. THE. FURRY. FANDOM!