What’s the Point?

Over 80 days of riots…30 people dead…cities ruined…underfunded or abolished police departments realizing they can’t stop what’s happening…

A nation divided…

Fingers pointing everywhere except where they should…

What’s the point of fighting anymore?

There is nothing to these riots anymore. The core issue – George Floyd’s death – has been explained in more detail thanks to the release of body-cam footage from the officers involved. VISUAL…EVIDENCE…but people are still angry. They’ve pivoted now so that it’s not about Floyd, but about racism, inequality, and all the other woke bullshit that will keep the cities burning for eternity since there is no real resolution to any of it. Well, short of armed individuals coming in and basically mowing these fuckers down.

That’s where I am with this now: I’m done. I’ve had it with the riots and what it’s done to my friends, or rather, people I think are my friends. I’ve tried to have reasonable conversations with them, but I instantly get patronized by them, saying that I ‘could’ be wrong. Well so could they, but no; they’re far too correct and embedded in their tribes. I thought I was part of them, but I realized I could never be that stupid.

I’m at the point where I really think walls should be built separating cities or whole states from the rest of the country. New York, Portland, LA, San Fran, Minneapolis…wall them off and let the woke left level that shit to the ground. Hell, make them prison cities for anyone who tries to start a BLM riot in some other town. Sentence them to life in their CHAZ-topia so they can live in peace, love, and running for their lives from people eternally mad at the world because they can’t afford the next playstation.

My alter-ego’s Facebook page is inundated with memes touting all the lies from the left, from people I once respected as rational, skeptical, and ready to discuss the issues. Now they all have Trump Derangement Syndrome so badly, I’m sure if you showed them the color orange they’d explode, their brains so badly fucked by all this. The Atheist movement? Please…all they did was trade God for Intersectionalism. They still kneel before an altar, but instead of the icons of an ancient religion, they now bend the knee to black fists and blue-haired tumblrites screeching at how unfair the world is.

I have a job test next week. I really want to pass it so I can get my head back into something productive, not just for myself but for society. Some people say that if you’re working all the time you don’t get to see what’s ‘really’ going on in the world. You don’t see the conspiracies unfolding before your eyes. You don’t get to discover the powers that be that are holding you back.

Back from what?

Is it the system holding you back? Ok, what do you want to do? No, not your race, not your identity…YOU! What do you as a person want in life FOR YOURSELF? What do you like to do? What are you good at, or rather, what productive thing can you do that you actually enjoy? Can you write? Sing? Act? Are you good with your hands, or your mind? What skills would you like to develop?

Once you’ve answered those questions, the rest is simple to say, but hard to do. LEARN, GROW, DEVELOP, and FUCKING EVOLVE! No one gets to where they want to be without working for it. Ask PewDiPie, Ninja, even those Twitch THOT’s you all simp after…they’re not sitting around just getting paid. Streamers actually have to work at it. When it comes to video games they have to be reasonably good at them, or can pick them up rather quickly. They have to work…we all have to work. You think someone like me got to live where I do because I’m white? Fuck you. I went to school…I took the tests…I pushed myself with all-nighters and countless hours of homework to get my degree. After that, I proved myself in a job over and over again. My reward was my paycheck and other benefits. When I burned out, I was let go. The only reason I’m surviving now is because the banks are deferring my mortgage for the time being. That won’t last forever, and before the full payment kicks back in I need to be working.

I’m sounding like my Dad in this post, but it can’t be helped. People now are angry because there’s no work or they actually have to find a job. Trump is working on bringing manufacturing jobs back to US soil, which will help. People will be able to get meaningful, good-paying jobs again and feel better about themselves. Sure, it may not be Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous grade, but maybe it’ll be enough that they can realize that if you put some effort into your life, you might find that there’s not that much to really be angry about.

Eh, who am I kidding? No one’s going to change their minds. The rage is too all-consuming, and apologists on both sides of the fence are working overtime to keep their tribes in line. Critical thought is dead…skepticism is just a word, and even when Trump pounds the Democrats and the far left into the ground in November, it won’t be enough.

The cities will continue to burn…people will continue to die…and cities that were once a testament to American life will become fire-gutted shells, housing those who can’t see their own potential beyond the fucking cell phone in their hands.