The Woke ISIS

Rome is ablaze.

For nearly a month now, cities in the US have been terrorized by activists who fly a flag of legitimate protest, but only bring violence and destruction in their wake. George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who, in my opinion, had no right to wear the uniform. This man’s death set off a powder keg of rage across the country, and even across the world. Black Lives Matter organized protests nation-wide, calling for the abolition of the police as an institutional, citing examples of brutality focused mainly on black people.

For the most part, many people agree that some reform is warranted and, in many cases, necessary. Throw in more stringent training requirements to weed out the ‘urban warrior’ assholes, and you’d get my vote hands down. The last thing we really need are a bunch of uniform-wearing Tackleberrys out there thinking the best way to de-escalate a problem is through the barrel of a gun.

Were it a peaceful protest, we would have listened. We would have taken you seriously. But you couldn’t leave it at that, could you? No…instead you made a pact with the devil himself. BLM either aligned themselves with Antifa, or Antifa co-opted the movement to push their own goal: destruction.

Cities are burning, people are dying. Police aren’t doing a thing because if they lift so much as a finger to stop them, they and their families will be the next targets. They can’t ‘final solution’ these assholes either, lest they too be lumped into the George Floyd killers. Their own mayors and governors have turned their backs on them, so why should they do their jobs? They swore an oath to protect their city, but what happens if the city won’t protect them?

The violence hasn’t stopped, and in many cases it’s escalated. Statues of historic figures are now being torn down, the reason being many of these figures once owned slaves, or fought for the losing side of the civil war. The latter I can support, since it sounds like a lot of those were erected for the sole purpose of ‘reminding’ the black folk of their place during the Jim Crow era of American history. Yeah, those can either go or be displayed somewhere that a person would have to consciously go to view them.

But when you start going after statues of those who fought against slavery…of those who fought for the emancipation of slaves…of those who brought you your FUCKING FREEDOM to not be shot on sight for even speaking. Then, my dude, you’ve lost the game.

The rage mob is out of control, and even the President is powerless to stop it. If he does what he should do, the Democrats would demonize him. If he does nothing, they’ll do the same. It’s a catch-22 situation that he can’t bluster his way out of. Then again, many of the cities in question are under Democrat control, so this may be his way of saying ‘fuck ’em…they keep thumbing their noses at me…let them figure it out on their own.’ Hey, I’m all for giving people enough rope with which to hang themselves (no pun intended), but the cost in human suffering thus far makes me wonder if this has gone on far enough.

Five hundred innocent lives were turned upside down when these leftist terrorists took over six blocks in Seattle, Washington. They called it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), then later renamed it to the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) when they realized they had no fucking clue how to survive on their own. A bunch of LARP-ing children who thought by watching a bunch of YouTube videos that they’d be able to cut themselves off from America and start their own little country…INSIDE AN AMERICAN CITY! Yeah…so bold…so stunning…so pathetic. Makes me wonder what the real off-the-grid people thought about it. I mean those people who venture into Alaska and live life like a pioneer. That’s how you do it.

The Taliban went on their own crusade to destroy monuments from civilizations long dead because their very existence contradicted the tenets of Islam. Now we see the same thing happening in America. One must be pure to be woke, apparently. If your cultural views from 300 years ago don’t match today’s progressive set…then you must be cancelled. Monuments to the founding fathers themselves aren’t safe because they once owned slaves or were racist in some way. Even statues of Jesus Christ aren’t safe. Thanks Shaun King…you race-baiting half-wit fucktard.

I wonder how many former atheist activists are in support of shit like this. Don’t they realize that they’re acting just like a religion, or just like the Taliban? Is Christianity the only religion worth going after because it’s considered the ‘white’ religion? I often wonder about all those who used to scream about critical thinking now…and if they ever truly meant it. How can you condemn a religion for an atrocity only to cheer on someone else for doing the same thing? You claim your cause is just, but so did they. What makes you any better?

Same shit, different coat of paint. Same actions but wrapped up in a different set of beliefs. Tim Pool once called the extreme left a non-theistic religion. I’m beginning to believe in that statement. Thing is, I’m not sure if an atheist movement could actually work here, since technically there is no god against whom to rail and debunk.

I want to see this all calm down, but right now I can’t see a way out of this spiral. Between the mainstream media, social media, and the general stupidity of the masses, I think the US is starting to circle the drain. Add to that the COVID-19 pandemic, and America the Brave could potentially become America the Ablaze.

Maybe Canada and Mexico should build their own walls…contain this festering tumor the US has become until they can sort their shit out and learn how to act like a nation again.