The Pendulum

Growing up, I saw society as two-sided. On one side you had the straight-laced, traditional-minded people who believed in restrictions, rules, and ‘moral decency.’ On the other, you had the happy, freedom-minded people who threw off their chains of oppression and reached for the stars. It was all about liberty and leaving behind the censorious ways of old.

As the years progressed, I started to see these two facets of society reflected in politics. You had the Conservatives, which were straight-laced, traditional, very religious, and ‘moral.’ On the other side you had the Liberals, who tackled social norms with insight, facts, and logic. I saw learned people tear down religion with the precision of a surgeon, pointing out exactly what was wrong, how it was wrong, and why worshiping the god of the bible was a stupid thing to do.

I can’t believe how much the narrative has shifted, and in such a short time.

It’s no longer the conservatives calling for censorship, deplatforming, and cancelling of people. No; it’s the ‘liberal’ side. To disagree with them is to be deemed a heretic in their eyes. To them, deplatforming is a strike against tyranny, except they don’t see how they are becoming the very tyrants from whom they’re trying to save us. They’ve fought their monster for so long, they’re becoming it.

This mentality of ‘the other side is wrong no matter what’ is utterly insane. Even when a conservative entity does something good, they have to trash it, even if it means taking a stance that sounds completely ludicrous. Trump wants to pull troops out of some overseas countries, which was something the Democrats wanted for years…or so we thought. Now that he’s actually making moves, the Dems are decrying his move because Trump must be wrong at all times. Orange Man Bad…this is the way.

The more I look at this, the more I’m convinced that it’s not a question of Democrat vs. Republican, but just two facets of the establishment. Money and power-hungry elitists who want the power, but have not intention to use it unless it furthers their own well-being. Senators, Congressmen, Governors…so many of them have been in power for so long, yet when you look at their list of accomplishments, abysmal is too weak a word. With records like that in the real world, they would have been on the unemployment line decades ago.

I don’t like Trump, but I like what he represents: Someone who wants to do right. To say he’s rough around the edges is a gross understatement, and the insanity I’ve seen from the left tells me they’re genuinely afraid that he’s actually doing stuff for the people. I’ll grant you that none of us will ever really hear all the things he did until his autobiography is written, but I’m sure when it is, we’ll get a glimpse into all he did without the media spin on it. It was the same way for Bill Clinton; he worked tirelessly to keep the government together while being hounded for a cigar and a cum-stained blue dress.

Like I said, I don’t like him, but I haven’t seen shit from the Democrats in terms of platform. Instead they’ve spent the past 4 years trying to demonize the guy rather than doing their jobs for which we elected them. Being Canadian I don’t have much of a dog in the race down south, but I do have friends and loved ones down there. I don’t want the US to turn into a dystopian nightmare, nor do I want it to turn into the United States of Woke-kanda either. I want to see them prosper…like really prosper. I want to see them become self-contained because that would make their economy truly strong and it would elevate the nation as a whole. Of course, it would also mean that everyone would have to contribute to build that nation, but if all Americans were once again filled with that sense of national pride and love for their fellow countrymen, how awesome would that be?

I think Trump wants to see that too, and the idea of an empowered population has all politicians scrambling. While they wouldn’t lose their importance, they would lose the ability to act with impunity, and that has to happen. Transparency and accountability MUST be the order of the day for these people. Instead of lining their own pockets, they should be making ways for the American people to line their own pockets with honestly-earned wages and salaries. Many of those in seats of power now were there when all this shit started. Why haven’t they tried to right the ship that is their country in all that time?

This is why I feel nothing but disdain for so many of these people, regardless of what party they serve. In truth, they don’t serve any party, but a class: The upper class. The elite. The entire system is comprised of the ultra-wealthy, serving the ultra-wealthy, and occasionally throwing a bone to the plebs to maintain the illusion that they actually care. So much of America is so stressed out by life that these bones are sought after and treasured even though they’re not worth shit, but they’ll keep voting for them because guaranteed shit is apparently better than taking a wager at something more.

The lead-up to the election this year has been chaotic. The pandemic and its fallout has set a chaotic stage for November. No matter who wins, the nation will continue to burn. In that respect, I hope Trump wins, because at least he has some kind of platform on his side. The Democrats, if they win, will take the Oval office and then ask ‘now what?’ while the country continues to burn.