The Daily Bent Wire

I’m very much a left-leaning centrist when it comes to my political preferences. I think there are valid points on either side of the political spectrum, and things have to remain fluid so it can adapt to this crazy random thing we call life. Neither side should be so ready to plant their flag in their ideology, because by this time next week they may find themselves gobsmacked to learn that they are no longer the heroes of the story. Case in point, the Democratic party.

For years we railed against the Republicans and their rigid, religious ridiculousness. The right was the old fashioned way of doing things. It was always God this and God that. Men should wear suits 24/7 and women should be barefoot and pregnant all the time. What’s that? You don’t believe in God? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU HEATHEN! This was how we viewed the political right for years. We cried for freedom and when we got it…we had no fucking clue what to do with it.

Hubris led to the rise of Trump. No one thought a populist candidate who used to be a reality TV show host could ever ascend to the Oval Office, yet here we are. Since 2016, America has had a man put in charge that no one thought had a chance in Hell of being there. He’s gruff, rough around the edges, puts his foot in his mouth with an almost fetish-like frequency, and people love him for it. I don’t know if he’s made America great again, but he’s certainly made the process more entertaining.

There’s a saying that if Trump came out endorsing oxygen, the left would hold their breath. I’m starting to agree with that sentiment. Trump wanted to pull troops out of several war zones, and the left decried him for it…the same left that pleaded to get those troops out years before now demand they stay because it’s not what Trump wants. Trump encourages free enterprise and admires self-starters who embrace their freedom to take a chance. The left wants to stifle that and make everyone conform to their vision of the future: a vision where everyone is equal, everything is provided to you, and so long as you tow the line, you’ll want for nothing.

1984 was supposed to be fiction, not an instruction manual.

In 2016 I said the Democrats had 2 years to get their shit together. Take back the houses and neutralize the threat. Cut the balls off the dragon and he becomes harmless. They didn’t listen. Instead of campaigning on issues and policy, they all chanted ‘Orange Man Bad’ at the top of their lungs, thinking it would have the same power as ‘Make America Great Again.’ Some gains were made in 2018, but not enough. Since then it’s been more “Orange Man Bad,’ and impeachment. Oh, and let’s not forget the back-beat of ‘Russia Russia Russia,’ which has been playing since before the 2016 election.

I have a hard time listening to a lot of the leftist rhetoric these days because there’s so much wrong with it. Yet, there’s also a lot wrong with the right when it comes to certain social issues. What’s wrong with gay marriage? Can you answer my question without bringing religion into it? If not, then your answer is invalid to me. God does not exist and if he did, I would not worship him according to the Bible. That book contains reflections on history and culture that we should run away from, not embrace. Human sacrifice, wiping out entire cultures in the name of God, priest-sanctioned abortions, rape, murder…the list goes on. If that is indeed our template for living, then we will all burn in hell.

Neither side is totally correct, and facts are not truth. They simply are, and your politics will shade those facts to become your version of the truth. In that, Ken Ham was right: two people can look at the same thing and come to different conclusions based on their beliefs. The facts remain as they are, but what we glean from them can become something totally different.

So why the title of this entry? Well, I’ve been listening a fair bit to some of the shows offered by The Daily Wire. At least right up until they get into their personal beliefs on social issues. Ben, Andrew, and Michael all are right-leaning and with the exception of Ben, Christian (Ben’s Jewish). However, they wont’ hesitate to proselytize their beliefs on their audiences, which just makes me roll my eyes and see them as I see many religious folks: mouthpieces for their ideology, using their platform to spread their gospels. It’s televangelism disguised as political commentary. Usually, as soon as I start hearing that shit, I turn it off.

I think the other guys on HCTV see me as naive, and maybe I am. Admittedly I don’t listen to a lot of leftist content because all I hear from them is ‘-ist’ or ‘-phobe’ or something along those lines. I’ve been called alt-right in the past, which floored me just because I happened to comment on someone’s Telegram site. It cost me maybe one friend, but fuck it. They have no idea who I am, and it would seem they never took the time to find out.

A lot of the political stuff is getting repetitive now. We’re screaming toward November, the Democratic party is in shambles, and even when a candidate is finally chosen, Trump should have no problem flicking them off their pedestal with all the effort of flicking a mosquito off your arm. I say ‘should’ because it’s not a guarantee. Hubris put Trump in the White House, and hubris could take him out just as easily. Don’t pop the champagne out until you know you’ve won, that’s all I’m saying.

I’m not even sure if this next election has any serious policies at stake. Sanders talks about healthcare and education, but is vague on how it will be paid for. Tax the rich? How much? How long before those wells run dry? Then what? Granted, the thought of Hollywood being bankrupted in the name of wokeness is kind of appealing, but with no true reward for your efforts, where’s the incentive to work hard? If a doctor and a janitor both get the same reward at the end of the day, why did the doctor go to medical school? Do you honestly think we’d become a society of poets, free-thinkers and philosophers if everything else was taken care of? Earth isn’t the Axiom folks. This isn’t WALL-E world.

I dunno. These days, politics feels like the WWE. It’s not a matter of policy or serving the people anymore. Nowadays is all about glitz, glamour, and trash-talking your opponent. He/She with the loudest voice will be the winner, and regardless of who it is, the public will lose.

I’ve heard talk of revolution. OK…just make sure you take out both the left and the right before you’re done. They have both failed your nation, and don’t deserve your support or loyalty.