No Shore…

It’s so easy, isn’t it?

So easy to find fault with one side of this political shit storm happening in the US, and to forget that both sides are cut from the same cloth. Government of the People? Land of the Free? Home of the Brave? Hollow words written on a document no one’s properly read in decades.

It’s tough to navigate the miasma that is the US political system now. Sure, you can stand for one side, but to do so now means you have to turn a blind eye to the atrocities they commit while still striking a blow for what they call ‘order’ and ‘justice for the people.’

Look, I’ll be honest. I can’t stand the left. Their hypocrisy is center stage these days with snubbing BLM, printing money and giving it away to other countries for gender studies research or ‘equity training,’ and flat out lying to the people they’re supposed to put first. Call them out on it? You’re a bigot and must be shunned. (Insert the whole ‘shun the unbeliever’ thing here.)

It’s easy to look on YouTube and catch news clips of the more red states rallying to decry the Democrat regime and demand they all step down. It sounds all ‘rah rah yay’ and all, but let’s be honest here, what are you accomplishing? I mean really. You bluster and blather on camera, you stand up in a near-empty chamber and spout your hatred at Washington, but you’re in Texas/Florida. What are you really getting done?

Oh, wait, I know. You’re reminding me of why I hate the GOP so much.

So Texas has been working on this ‘heartbeat bill,’ which says that you can’t abort a fetus if a heartbeat is detected. Their claim is that the fetal heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks into a pregnancy…right around the average time that women who want/need and abortion tend to get one. Coincidence? Fuck no.

Now, this bill can’t be enforced legally or officially because of Rowe v. Wade, but Texas found a neat little way to circumvent that: Leave the enforcement of this ‘law’ to private citizens and organizations. Basically, if you’re getting an abortion, or giving a ride to someone headed for an abortion clinic, or talking on the phone with someone thinking of getting an abortion, you can now be sued for aiding and abetting. Uber and Lyft are already setting up legal defense funds to cover their drivers being sued by crusading grifters looking to cash in.

Oh, I should mention that if you successfully turn in someone, you get ten grand.

‘Cadre Kids, don’t forget, October is bonus recruitment month. Get extra points for turning in a family member.’

I thought the left was the authoritarian party. I guess they both are when you think about it. Choose the form of your destroyer: Elephant, or Donkey.

What a waste of time and energy.

This is why I have loyalty issues. Both sides are evil, yet no one has come up with a viable alternative. Both sides will scream that they’re the party of the people, but will shout you down the second you question them. Sure, they’ll fill you full of promises to navigate the chaos of the world and lead you to the shore of prosperity and glory.

But there is no shore. There never has been. If there is, we’ve never found it and never will.

No one in this world cares anymore. No one can. No one has the time or the motivation anymore. Ideals, visions of the future, hope…it’s all gone. It’s all an illusion meant to keep us blissfully occupied while our souls are sucked out of us by those in power. They don’t care about us. They only care about themselves and those insane paychecks. They’ll say anything to stay in power, then cast you aside when you’re no longer necessary. Then, when election time comes again, they’ll be there, hat in hand and flashing that cocksure grin that got your vote last time.

How long? How long before the people rise up? How long before we all say ‘fuck it’ and tear it all down? It’s not because the system is racist, or sexist, or any of that. It’s corrupt; a social experiment/stress test to see just how far people can be pushed before they push back. That’s all it is.

Those who’re educated enough to be the next generation of leaders know the score. They know what will keep them in power, so they stay the course. They get in, get theirs, and get out with as much of their self-respect as they can. Pretty soon any thoughts of rising up will be a pipe dream, because I fear that the next generation is too stupid and too angry to do anything. Tax the ultra-wealthy? OK, that’ll last for about a year. Then what? Oh, what’s that? Can’t shake the Bezos money tree anymore because he can’t pay the tax bill? Bill Gates is now broke? Gee, where does that money come from now? Guess all those people who wanted free education should focus on the 2-year course rather than the full 4-year degree. Oh, guaranteed income? Yeah, better squirrel that away in cryptocurrency right quick, because that stipend won’t be coming in after a year or so.

Short-sighted, rage-fueled, and utterly moronic…that’s the Left. Authoritarian, head in the clouds, and dreaming of the glory days…that’s the Right. I thought the pendulum had swung once more, but in truth it never moved. It hasn’t moved in all these years, and I was just swept along with the crowd because I thought I’d found a cause in which I could believe.

Gods, what a fool I’ve been.

No promise.

No reward.

No hope.

Worst of all…

No shore.