We Weren’t Ready
One of our panelists on Holy CRAP! talks a lot about critical thought, and how critical thinking will set us free from the misguided oppression of religion, group think, and tribalism. That last word has been creeping up a lot […]
Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from Consequence...
One of our panelists on Holy CRAP! talks a lot about critical thought, and how critical thinking will set us free from the misguided oppression of religion, group think, and tribalism. That last word has been creeping up a lot […]
It’s been a while since I’ve posted, I know. A lot has happened in my personal life that has kept my fingers from the keys in any form other than playing the odd video game to de-stress myself. In a […]
Tomorrow it’ll be Christmas. I remember the days when it felt like the whole world was exhaling on that day. The quiet around my home town, all shrouded in white. The smell of 50:1 fuel in the snowmobiles as my […]
In the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville I’ve seen a lot of folks on either side of the socio-political spectrum advising people to look after themselves first before anything else. It makes sense when you think about it. A […]
I’m a member of the 1st generation after World War II. My parents were alive and survived the Nazi occupation in Norway, and my father served in the Resistance against them. He never spoke that much about it with me, […]
I’ll say it here: I’m a fur. Yes, I belong to the furry fandom, own a fursuit, look at furry art, and have even gone to a few furry conventions. No, I haven’t fucked or ‘yiffed’ in my suit, I’m […]
In Frank Herbert’s Dune series, the Bene Gesserit had a power called ‘The Voice.’ Basically, it was the ability to compel someone to obey them simply by speaking to them in a certain tone. It was a subdivision of what they […]
I’m really not sure where to go with this anymore. I’ve been stuck at home now for 2 1/2 months since leaving the hospital, and even though I have as much mobility as normal, I just don’t feel like going […]
This sounds a lot like the title of one of my old podcast episodes… I had a long discussion with a content creator in Second Life tonight, and before you scoff and start off on some trope-heavy diatribe about how […]
So maybe it was karma that caused this. That of course assumes that I believe in such a thing. I was trying to organize a few things on this blog late last night when POOF! The whole site corrupted itself. […]