The Pendulum

Growing up, I saw society as two-sided. On one side you had the straight-laced, traditional-minded people who believed in restrictions, rules, and ‘moral decency.’ On the other, you had the happy, freedom-minded people who threw off their chains of oppression […]


Sometimes, the silence that comes with a lack of popularity can be a blessing, especially when people you’ve known or followed on social media for years show their true colors and turn out to be people with whom you disagree. […]

Fractured Facets

I joined the atheist ‘movement’ right around the time of the schism between what an atheist is and what some people though an atheist should be. A group of folks – some of them intellectuals – proposed the concept of […]

The Grey Pill

Every week on Holy Crap, Shujin talks about how people on Facebook say the darndest things. Yes, I’m keeping it PC for the most part. He’s right though; there are some grade A idiots out there on social media, and […]

The Long, Ragged Exhale

I read George Orwell’s ‘1984’ back in school, and the world it portrayed seemed so ridiculously different from the world I was in that I found it absurd. I also read ‘Brave New World’ by Aldus Huxley, which really drove […]