The Woke ISIS

Rome is ablaze. For nearly a month now, cities in the US have been terrorized by activists who fly a flag of legitimate protest, but only bring violence and destruction in their wake. George Floyd was murdered by a police […]


What do you do when people you know become people you knew? Since my last entry the vitriol and utter hatred from my ‘friends’ has reach a pitch I can only describe as heart-sickening. The ideological left has infiltrated many […]

Pros and Cons

Thanks to the pandemic going on right now, a lot of events and functions planned this year are being cancelled. In my neck of the woods, furry conventions – gatherings I once looked forward to – will not be happening […]

Destination: Conflation

Tonight, I saw something that basically explained why I can’t be a part of the atheist ‘community’ anymore. Recently Seth Andrews of ‘The Thinking Atheist’ posted a video response to Pastor Greg Locke, who showed up at an ‘Open the […]

What Is Furry?

I like anthro art. I like reading anthro stories. Many people I know are in the furry fandom, and many of those many are good people. A lot of them are assholes too, but just because we all share this […]

The Daily Bent Wire

I’m very much a left-leaning centrist when it comes to my political preferences. I think there are valid points on either side of the political spectrum, and things have to remain fluid so it can adapt to this crazy random […]

The Rise of Skywalker

So now it’s all over…again. After 40 years, the Star Wars saga has come to a definitive, final end…sort of. When ‘The Force Awakens’ first came out I was left gobsmacked at how, with that movie, decades of literature that […]