The Long, Ragged Exhale

I read George Orwell’s ‘1984’ back in school, and the world it portrayed seemed so ridiculously different from the world I was in that I found it absurd. I also read ‘Brave New World’ by Aldus Huxley, which really drove home the idea of classism. The biggest thing about Huxley’s view, though, was that you were born a certain way and there was no way you could move up. If you were born a Delta, your brain was manipulated before birth so that you lacked the intellectual potential to be anything more than that for which you were born. You were also coddled every night with subliminal messages telling you that this is the way it was, and it was all good.

I look at what’s going on in the US right now and it’s horrifying how close everything is beginning to resemble the worlds in the two above-mentioned books. Of course, we don’t call it classes anymore. No, it’s ‘Identity Politics’ these days. What I find hilarious though is everyone is scrambling to be considered a ‘Delta’ in the BNW vernacular. The Deltas were those who’s brains were messed up before birth so they’d never ascend from their station. Rather than appreciate that everyone has the potential for greatness, so many people seem determined to do nothing but sit there and whine until someone gives them what they want.

Last night I tuned in for a bit of Stephen Colbert’s show and I had to turn it off. All I heard was ‘racist, sexist, misogynist etc. etc.’ This is the same shit I hear everywhere these days, even in places where people have been vindicated beyond the shadow of a doubt. Once you’re labeled as one of these things, that’s it. Your life is basically over. No statute of limitations, no chance at redemption. You’re basically and fully fucked.

Kevin Hart, Bret Kavenaugh, Liam Neeson, Louis CK…the list goes on. You could be the paragon of everything the left holds as sacrosanct, but if one of them finds out that 30 years ago you said a bad word, then all your good deeds are erased. You were never a ‘real’ paragon…just a crypto-whatever the fuck they’re accusing you of being.

So why apologize? Kevin Hart tried to move on but was never left alone, but he powered on. CK seems to be trying to get back into the swing of things, and I’m hoping Neeson does the same. I mean hey, if they’re not going to even acknowledge that you’ve seen the error of your ways, then fuck ’em. Keep doing what you do and achieve your goals. Even if there’s no one at the finish line, you’ll be there, and in the end that’s all that counts.