I’ve Had Enough…

We’ve all heard this one before:

*Opens Facebook*

*Looks at posts from folks*

*Cringes and closes Facebook*

*Contemplates killing Facebook with fire*

That’s about where I am now with my main and alt accounts.

Every single day I open that damned app to see what my friends and family are up to, and it’s nothing but politics, Trump, SJW’s, the left, the right, the extreme, the cringe, the racist, the sexist, the cis, and all the other bullshit ad fucking nauseum.

Friends I know are becoming people I knew as they’ve now become weaponized posters about everything politics, and somehow it’s all my fault because I’m white…because I somehow have white privilege. So now I’m supposed to feel guilty and somehow have to shame/cuckold myself to someone else because according to them, I’m the lesser race now. But oh no, they’re not being racist because they’re the oppressed ones….they can’t be racist because they’re oppressed.

Reality check, fuckwads:

Merriam-Webster Meaning:

Definition of racism

1 :a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 a :a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
   b :a political or social system founded on racism
3 :racial prejudice or discrimination

Any feminist out there who wants to proclaim their ideology based on the dictionary definition of the term should also adhere to this one. Do you see any reference to a minority in this definition? I don’t, and I just cleaned my glasses. So fuck your ‘I can’t be racist because I’m black’ bullshit. You’re as much of a fucking bigot as anyone who’s ever called you a nigger to your face.

Maybe it’s my cold, or the fact that I have to move in a few weeks, but this is getting tiresome. I want to purge my FB ‘friends’ list of all but those whom I actually know and trust. But really, what good would that do? It’s all hearts and minds, isn’t it? It’s not about being right anymore, it’s about winning. Feels over reals, and that’s the way folks want it. They want to live in a world where science is racist, and climate change is sexist because some white man came up with it. Then you’ve got fucktards like Tariq Nasheed who funds projects to say everything is black so give us reparations. Fuck you.

I’d love to get some life extension…I’d like to live for at least another generation so I could watch this one fail so hard we see America bounce. Personally, I want to see them devolve into civil war. It might cost me my job since traveling to a war zone is never a good idea, but that’s what I want. I want to see Neo-Nazis and Antifa whip out the hardware and start peforating each other. I want to see student protesters on campus come in guns fucking blazing. I want people to take selfies of themselves jerking off onto copies of the 2nd Amendment, or have sex on a pile of spend shell casings amidst a sea of dead bodies. Why? Because that’s America. Land of the free from intellect, home of the brave enough to still think they’re on top.

Laws don’t work, not against a culture. Right now, America is nothing more than a gun culture…a violence culture…a purist culture no matter what your bend. For the whites, it’s the white nationalists. For the blacks, BLM. Two sides of the same coin who both want the same thing: racial superiority. So far though, the only side I’ve seen who’s gotten violent to the point of destroying property and basically throwing a fucking temper tantrum is the left. Antifa, BLM…they’re the ones burning now neighborhoods while screaming ‘MUH EKWALITEH’ at the top of their barely literate lungs.

Look, I don’t hate you because you’re black…I hate you because you’re stupid, or you’re racist. You want to get in my face and demand reparations for something neither of us were involved in, then just fuck off. And don’t give me this legacy of slavery bullshit. You’re in college, either on student loan or scholarship. How many slaves did that, hm? Maybe if you actually got a degree that could EARN you some MONEY, instead of pissing and moaning about STEM while taking Gender Studies, you’d actually realize the very American dream for which you’ve searched.

I used to think that Sanders had the right idea about free education. Now I don’t think so. Education should be for those who want to succeed in this world. And yes, maybe it is a white-centric, male-centric, cis-centric world…but you know what? At the rate you morons are going, it’s going to stay that way for a long…long…time.

So go ahead: use that phone in your hands to do nothing more than hashtag your life away. Take videos of things and make them go viral. Use your gamma-level editing skillz to put some trash on youtube that no one will ever watch. Go on…go ahead. And when your parents finally die or kick your freeloading ass out onto the street, maybe then you’ll realize the mistake you made. Or better yet, go live in a commune somewhere. Make a great big safe space town in the middle of some state somewhere. Everyone welcome unless you’re a cis white male, then you’re just a garbage human and you don’t want that, do you? EQUALITY FOR ALL…except you guys.


I’m still seriously thinking of just hacking my friends lists to pieces on Facebook. I used to follow a bunch of atheist activists because they were cool. Now, religion is the last thing they want to talk about. I mean fuck, I’m reading about kinksters now…KINKSTERS…who talk about reparations and the whole SJW rhetoric. I mean now what, I’m a cis white male so I can’t be a kinkster either? Not that I am, but you get the idea.

But y’know, all this talk of segregation in the name of MUH EKWALITEH has one very dark side to it: while the whites in the south didn’t invent the idea of racism, they sure as hell had it down to a science. I don’t condone anything like that as I’ve said dozens of times before, but I wonder how much longer they’ll wait. How long before those hoods start coming out of the closet, and in greater numbers? How long before the lynchings begin anew, since it seems all BLM wants is a return to Jim Crow days so they can justify their own oppression. Fuck…BLM wouldn’t last a week if the KKK went on the warpath. I shudder thinking that’s what it might take to make folks realize just how far we’ve really come.

Is this world perfect? Fuck no. Everyone’s made and continues to make mistakes. But how long must we be reminded of those mistakes? Why is it that when we want to move forward, someone insists on rooting us in the present by forcing the past onto us? Must we remain paralyzed by our own past…remain traumatized by our barbaric history? I say no. I say we let that persuade us to move forward. No one wants the return of Jim Crow or anything like that, which is why we’ve fought for true equality for decades. Yet now, people seem to think they’re worse off than their parents or grandparents were, even though they scream this from the halls of academia…the SAME halls of academia their predecessors were not allowed to attend because they were black.

And what do they do with it? They piss it away on junk degrees, step off campus and think they’re gonna be the CEO of a company on day 1. Keep. Fucking. Dreaming.

I think about what would happen if one of these snowflakes found their way into my place of work. They wouldn’t last a week. Between some of the jokes that fly around and the rather casual attitude folks have, their SJW senses would explode. I’ve heard jokes so blue that I wonder how the teller is even married, let alone the father of two great kids. I’ve heard banter between folks that a millennial would immediately try to quote on Facebook in the hopes it would go viral and try to shut us down because we’re ‘-ist’ and ‘-phobic’ or some shit. So how can we cope with this? Simple: We’re adults. We know the difference between a joke and an insult. We respect each other as human beings and learn by trial and error how best to be social. There’s no butthurt there, and if someone crosses the line, we’re a self-correcting mechanism that deals with it. In the end, we’re all there to earn a living so we do our best to get along and make the workday go by quicker.

Ok, I’m calmer now. I think I can go another day without wanting to burn the world down while playing the lyre.