There Will Be No Healing

it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. A lot’s happened and I’ve really not had a chance to calm down, sort my thoughts and remember what it’s like to be at peace enough to put my thoughts down.

Life with a cat’s been good. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that I picked a cat up around this time last year. He’s been a good companion, if a little needy at times. Still, it’s nice to have someone else in the house to make noise. Getting a bit tired of my own voice.

Looks like things are gearing up for a hellish November in the States…not that anyone didn’t see it coming. Biden’s out, Harris is in, Trump (allegedly) got shot and got a good photo op out of it (hence the doubt). The left hates the right, the right hates the left, and the civilians in the middle are just fed up with the whole thing.

Like me.

I’m tired…spiritually tired to the point that I don’t give a fuck anymore. There is no coming back from this, I don’t think. After this election, no matter who wins, all will lose. The hate is too strong on either side. Unity at this point is impossible. There is nothing left to unite. Do you really think anyone living in a ‘red state’ will ever trust a ‘blue state’ after this? It won’t happen.

The media and content creators are eating this shit up like pigs at a trough. All they see are the dollar signs as they rake in ad revenue, Patreon, and all the other side gig money from getting the rubes to watch their dog and pony shows,. Yeah, I admit that I watch some of it too, but when there’s nothing else to watch, what can you do? I’ve reset my YouTube preferences at least twice this past year, trying to get away from most of the political shit, and that’s worked a bit. But now that we have a new third at TFC, I get to listen to Orange Man Bad zealotry all the time.

It doesn’t matter anymore. Regardless of the winner, the US will die. 4 years, 8 years, it doesn’t matter. They will never heal. The hate is too strong. Even when someone is caught red handed, they skate by and keep doing what they do. What’s the point anymore? People don’t think, they follow. Fox news or MSNBC…those are the battle lines. You’ve got a mob behind each of them, treating the new personalities like the new gods. End of religion? Nah, just trading one god for another.

I mean maybe I’m on the wrong side of all this, thinking Trump might be the better choice. But after 4 years of Biden being a do-nothing President, and Harris even less so, how can she say she deserves the Oval Office? Will she garner any respect from the global audience? Will she just be touted as the first female of color President, and that’s her only qualification?

Some people seem to think so. All they say is “She’s female,” or “She’s a woman of color.” Ok…and? Like, have you done anything else in your political career? Bills? Motions? Laws? Relieved any suffering? Aided in any international peace work? Stopped any wars? No? Just exactly what is your resume composed of, then? Just the symbol for feminine and the Black Power fist?

Look, I don’t care who sits in the office, PROVIDED THEY CAN DO THE FUCKING JOB! But it’s never been about that, has it? No…it’s not about the responsibility as President, it’s about the title. All they want is the title. It makes me sick. It reminds me of that scene in Superman 2 after Zod takes over. He sits there, king of the fucking US…and he doesn’t know what to do next.

That’s what the current race feels like. The winner gets in, and then what? They strut around the plebs for the next 4 years like it’s their own personal stand-up tour. Meanwhile, folks suffer and all they do is laugh about it and tell us all how great they are and how crooked the other guy is. So fucking typical.

Let them do it, I say. Close all borders, shut off talks, and let the US burn. Let them fight it out like they did back in the day and let the rivers run red with their own blood. Let’s see that 2nd amendment and cancel culture wipe a good number of them out. I want to see New York, LA, Dallas, Miami, and other cities burn. Get it out of your systems and scream all your hatred until you can’t scream anymore. Race war? Hell yeah. Religion vs. Atheism? Bring it. Right vs. Left? Let me get my fucking popcorn.

Just do it. You know you want to. Plant those bombs. Turn the US cityscapes into replicas of Syria. Make it into the 3rd world country you already think it is. Go on…do it. Fucking cowards.

Just get it over with and leave the decent people of the world alone. We’re done being nice to toddlers.